
Attendance at school is very important to your child's learning. Please make sure that your child is punctual every morning and that you are on time to collect them at the end of the school day.

Holidays During Term Time
As you may be aware, the Government set out new guidelines which came into effect in September 2013, for when schools can, and cannot, authorise absences from school during term time. Taking your child on holiday in term time can be disruptive both to your child's education and to the school. Schools can only agree to an absence in exceptional circumstances. These are:
  • Dealing with a sudden family emergency or crisis involving close family members such as a parent, sibling or grandparent
  • Graduation ceremonies, weddings, funeral of a parent, grandparent or sibling - normally one day will be authorised. Sensible consideration will be given to additional days depending on the distance that has to be travelled
  • Hospital appointments that are unavoidably in school time
  • Sporting, musical, dramatic or other activities for pupils performing at an exceptional level
  • Religious observance
  • Children of Service Personnel about to go on deployment
  • Transport was not provided by the LA when it should have been
The law does not grant parents/carers an automatic right to take their children out of school during term time. If the request is for an absence in term time, you must have Parental Responsibility and be the parent/carer with whom the child normally lives. Permission must be sought in advance. If the circumstances relating to this request are considered exceptional and the absence is authorised by the school, the authorising of the absence will be conditional on the child's previous attendance being satisfactory.
If the school refuses your request and your child is still taken out of school, this will be recorded as an unauthorised absence. A significant amount of unauthorised absence may make you liable to a penalty notice for each child of £60 if paid within 21 days, increasing to £120 if paid after 21 days and before 28 days.

Examples of when an absence would not be authorised:
  • To care for other family members
  • Birthdays
  • To interpret for other family members
  • No school uniform/shoes
  • Bullying
  • Friendship problems
  • Headlice
  • Family holiday
  • Weddings abroad
  • Family anniversaries
  • Death of a pet
  • Travel problems
  • School refusal
We are trying to abide by the Government's guidelines whilst still being fair to parents and we thank you for your understanding and support with this matter.

Home Time
Please be on time for collecting your children from school. For the safety of your child we must know who is picking them up from school. If you cannot collect your child yourself, please let the teacher or office know in advance, who is coming in your place. We cannot let children go home with someone unless you have authorised us to do so.
Please be mindful of not parking on the yellow lines outside of each school.

What to do if your child is sick?
Children should be kept at home if they are obviously unwell in the morning. Please notify the school secretary as soon as possible if your child will not be attending school. You are also required by law to notify the school by letter as to the reason for your child's absence.

What happens when your child is sick during school?
If your child becomes unwell while at school, we may request that they are collected during the day. Please ensure that the school has an emergency contact phone number so that we can arrange this. In the event of an accident you will be contacted immediately and if necessary, your child will be taken or sent to hospital where you can meet us.

Medicine in schools
Parents are reminded that teaching staff cannot be required to administer a medicine to a child in school. Medicines will not normally be given in school unless 4 doses or more a day are required. Please discuss this with us.
If your child needs an INHALER for asthma, please make sure that it is labelled clearly with the full name and correct dosage and inform the class teacher. Children can also carry inhalers with them.

Sun Protection
In the summer months, children are educated about sun protection and are encouraged to bring in sun hats to wear for sport activities and at break times. Any sun cream sent in to school should be labelled with the child's name on it. Teachers can only supervise children applying cream to themselves. Parents should apply sun protection cream to their children in the mornings.

Occasionally we will have an outbreak of headlice in school, as they can affect anyone in the community. When this occurs, the school will notify parents/carers and recommend that they check their child's hair and treat accordingly.
Early detection and treatment are vital in dealing with headlice. It is advisable that parents check their children's hair daily.

Bad Weather
Sometimes, during the winter, conditions are so inclement that the schools may have to be closed. In this case, parents will be contacted by a school representative. Each school has a network of people authorised by the Headteacher to notify a number of parents of school closures. It would also be beneficial to listen to BBC Radio Cornwall or Pirate FM where details will be given at regular intervals. The school website would also publish school closure days.

We value comments and feedback about our school as this helps us to continually improve.
If a parent/carer has a concern which needs attention, they are very welcome to speak to the class teacher, Headteacher or Chair of Governors.
For further information about making a complaint, there is a School Complaints Policy available from the school office and you can access advice on the Cornwall Council website.