Early Years Foundation Stage

Achieving together, inspiring learners for life.
As each child joins our school family he or she is embarking upon the first part of “formal” education and we want this to be a very happy and fulfilling journey for both parent and child. At our schools, we place great value on the development of children as individuals. Our over-arching ethos in the early years is a strong ‘Personal, Social and Emotional Development” curriculum. Our early years expertise means that everything we focus upon enables each child to become a successful learner, a happy, resilient, self-assured and confident individual and a child who is ready to become a responsible member of our society knowing that it is ok to make mistakes. Our curriculum is therefore the cultural capital we know our pupils need so that they can gain the knowledge, skills and understanding they require for success. They can only do that if we embed the right habits for learning through the Characteristics of Effective Teaching and Learning – Play and Exploration, Active Learning and Creative and Critical Thinking.
Our Early Years Foundation Stage 

Children in our Nursery and Reception class follow our EYFS curriculum. All children have to study the curriculum created by the Government but this forms only part of the learning which children will undertake whilst they are with us. We ensure that our children learn what we are legally required to teach but in a way that is memorable to them, accessible and appropriate for each individual. The way in which our curriculum is planned, the organisation of each day and the methods that are used to teach are in response to our knowledge of how young children learn best. 

We use the children’s previous knowledge, their curiosity and their fascinations to build learning that is led by the children and which fires their imagination. We believe that placing the child at the heart of all we do, surrounded by the most effective teaching and learning of a progressive, relevant and challenging curriculum will enable the highest standard of behaviour. Each of these three elements impacts upon the other and will achieve the highest standard in learning.


In our Early Years Foundation Stage, observers will see:


  •          children’s learning that clearly links towards the specific end points identified in the EYFS curriculum.
  •          staff with knowledge and expertise in the subjects that they teach.  
  •          staff who practically implement their understanding of child development. 
  •          children recalling and applying what they know to current learning and in a range of contexts.
  •          independent and guided practice of new knowledge and skills so that they can be recalled automatically.
  •          learning environments which enable children to gain confidence in themselves as independent learners, explorers, discoverers and critical thinkers. 
  •          learners who are engaged in open ended learning situations which enable them to show independently, what they have learnt.
  •          learning activities that are designed and arranged to help all learners, through appropriate scaffolds and challenges. 
  •          learning activities that are ambitious and carefully selected to remove barriers and ‘lift the lid’ to maximise children’s learning.
  •          that we endeavour to place learning in every day contexts with realistic experiences that involve children in making decisions about their own learning. 
  •          teachers who use day to day assessment effectively to address misconceptions and accurately identify next steps.
  •          reading is prioritised with focused daily teaching of reading and phonics. Children are explicitly taught to apply reading across the curriculum.
  •          that we fit the curriculum to the child and not the child to the curriculum.




Our Curriculum at Werrington

Our EYFS curriculum has been thoughtfully designed to reflect our school’s vision statement of maintaining high expectations, aspiration and respect for all. We have created our curriculum with the intent to nurture lively, enquiring minds, to have a love of discovery, the bravery to make decisions and the confidence to take ownership of their learning. We feel this is best achieved through an approach which centres the child, whereby teaching and learning opportunities comprise of a purposeful balance between child-initiated and adult-led experiences in order to ensure provision and progress for children is uniquely and developmentally appropriate for them.


Our Curriculum at North Petherwin

Our curriculum is the cultural capital, we know our pupils need so that they can gain the knowledge, skills and understanding they require for success. They can only do that if we embed the right habits for learning through the Characteristics of Effective Teaching and Learning – Play and Exploration, Active Learning and Creative and Critical Thinking. Our EYFS Curriculum has been designed to reflect the nature of our school environment, the seasons of the year and the nature around our school. It aims to teach the children how their environment compares to different places, cultures and nature in other parts of the world.


Our enabling environment and warm, skillful adult interactions support the children as they begin to link learning to their play and exploration. As the pupils move into Reception, we invest time and energy into helping pupils set and reflect on their own goals by aiming high and developing a love of reading, writing and number.  This is delivered through a holistic curriculum which maximises opportunities for meaningful cross-curricular links and learning experiences as well as promoting the unique child by offering extended periods of play and sustained thinking following children’s interests and ideas.  We value imagination and creativity and seek to create a sense of enjoyment and fascination in learning through vibrant continuous provision, alongside trips, visits and regular Wild Tribe sessions.

The new Early Years Foundation Stage Framework came into place in September 2021 and was updated again in 2023. It is the aim that the new framework will further prepare children for their transition into key stage 1 at the end of the EYFS curriculum.


If you would like to read a little more about the framework follow the links below. More information about EYFS and our curriculums can also be found on the individual class pages.