
Hello, you've reached our Curriculum pages.
Our Curriculum Layers document above is your starting point towards navigating through our curriculum starting with the Subject Summary document through to the teachers' individual planning.
Our Curriculum pages on the website show the knowledge, skills and progression for each of the subjects we teach. 
Alongside the national curriculum we teach a Capabilities Curriculum that teaches seven capabilities which improve children's learning, nurtures the development of the whole child and prepares them for the future. Those capabilities include: Managing feelings, Resilience and Determination, Creativity, Planning and Problem Solving, Communication, Confidence and Agency and Relationship and Leadership.
We are a Visible Learning Partner School and encourage pupils to guide their own learning through various strategies in class. 
We want our pupils to develop lively enquiring minds, have a love of learning, the ability to question, make decisions and to think and act for themselves. We believe it is important for children to recognise their individual strengths and talents.

We provide a broad, engaging and enriching curriculum and have a creative approach to the National Curriculum. We have a three-year rolling program which matches our class structure. Children from Year 1, 2 and 3 make-up Class 2 and children from Year 4, 5 and 6 make-up Class 3. We have an EYFS unit at both schools. Teaching and learning takes place in a stimulating environment both inside and outside of the classroom. The children are encouraged to take ownership of their own learning through the focused teaching of life and thinking skills. Subjects are taught through whole class teaching, group work and individual tasks. The children participate in activities that involve both independent and collaborative learning. 
We teach the children to be healthy and encourage outdoor learning through activities including Healthy Hearts, Healthy Minds, Wild Tribe, Wild Tribe Frist Aid and our Alternative Sports Day. Our older children are taught how to be leaders through our Maths leaders program and we also all enjoy a day at the beach in the Summer.

We welcome all children and will meet their needs in a caring and positive way. We are inclusive schools where all pupils are valued and we recognise that they all learn in different ways. Some pupils may require additional support and some may benefit from extension activities. Our aim is the inclusion of all children in a broad and balanced curriculum. 

Special Educational Needs are identified and met with Provision Maps. All learning is planned  to meet the needs of all children, who are set challenging learning targets. Teachers plan cross-curricular topics linked to a concept to enable the children to make links in their learning and to provide a stimulating and interesting basis that motivates the children to learn and have fun. 

We provide opportunities where the children are excited to learn and can reach their full potential. The learning of many of the subjects is supported by incorporating visitors in to school or by trips beyond the school. 

Our curriculum is a continually evolving and changing one which reflects the changes that were brought in with the New National Curriculum in September 2014.


At both Werrington and North Petherwin, each class has a daily English lesson through which children are taught about different text types, reading and writing skills. There is also an additional daily SPAG (Spelling, punctuation and grammar) lesson. Teachers teach sequences based around a chosen text and the children learn about the features of that text type. These blocks of learning each incorporate the opportunity for extended writing. Teachers also plan for cross-curricular activities that allow the children to apply their learning independently in other subject areas. At both schools teachers use Little Wandle to teach early reading and writing. Pupils in each school also have access to many stage appropriate books  and are encouraged to take books home to practice reading skills learnt at school.  We use a scheme called Accelerated Reader to ensure the pupils have the correct level of challenge. 


Pupils have a daily maths lesson based on the National Curriculum. We use the White Rose Progression Grid which are taught through Maths Ladders. In addition to this we provide opportunities for problem solving outside of the maths lessons, making cross-curricular links with other subjects such as computing, science and design technology. These activities help to encourage enquiring minds and also enhance their knowledge and understanding of the world.

Knowledge and understanding

Children learn in a cross-curricular way with topics based around science, history or geography themes. Each term different skills are taught and developed as well as building on the children's knowledge and understanding of concepts in each subject. Opportunities to use and develop ICT skills are planned in to support the pupils' learning in all areas. Trips, visitors and special events are planned to engage the children and celebrate their learning.

Creative Development

The creative arts aim to bring the whole curriculum together to provide stimulating, enjoyable teaching and learning. The children will be engaged in activities that develop their skills and understanding of a wide range of artistic skills, they will learn about artists are their work both from the past and contemporary artists. They will participate in designing and making projects which will encourage them to hone a range of skills and evaluate their products. Within this area of the curriculum, the children will also take part in musical and drama activities such as weekly music lessons where they cover all aspects of music including composing, performing and playing instruments. 
Physical Education

Our PE curriculum is supported by specialist PE teachers from ARENA and PAFC who teach the children a full range of skills and sports. After school clubs encourage the children to continue to think about developing healthy lifestyles.

Modern Foreign Languages

Pupils participate and enjoy learning Spanish.


RE is taught from Reception to Year 6. We adhere to the Cornwall agreed syllabus for RE which includes learning about a range of world religions.


We have just launched our new PSHE curriculum. In addition to the core and foundation curriculum subjects, pupils receive PSHE or Personal, Social, Health and Sex and Relationships Education. We provide children with basic knowledge and understanding of health and sexual matters at the appropriate stages to meet their developing needs. This is introduced as a natural part of growing up, so that they can make informed decisions in their lives. Parents will be given advanced information when this area is to be covered.

Pastoral Care

We aim to help our pupils to develop their social, emotional and behavioural skills. We strive to improve their self-esteem and confidence and be happy individuals who will be able to cope with whatever life delivers. We get to know our pupils well and create a culture of rewarding achievement and good behaviour. Pupils earn house points as a reward for achievement and effort. 

Achieving together, inspiring learners for life.