PE during the summer term will take place on a Tuesday (cricket) and Wednesday (Arena sports coaches) afternoons, children should come into school dressed in their PE kits ready for their afternoon session.
Wild Tribe
This half term (Summer 1) we are lucky enough to have some wild tribe sessions. These sessions will run on a Thursday afternoon, please bring appropriate clothes in a named plastic bag that the children can change into.
Home Learning
Each half term a homework grid will be sent home. This will come out on a Friday and needs to be returned the following Thursday. On the grid, there are weekly activities (Reading, KIRFS, Times Table Rockstar's,) to complete. There is also a menu of further activities, which are linked to our wider curriculum topics to choose from to embed and extend knowledge taught within school.
Children should be encouraged to read for 10-15 minutes at least 3 times per week. Year 1 and 2 are asked to read their Little Wandle book which is tailored to the Little Wandle coverage within their daily sessions. This book will get changed weekly following the three reading sessions your child will take part in within school time. Year 3 children are asked to read their Accelerated Reader [AR] books often to prepare for their quizzes but remember to read harder and/or easier books for fun and enjoyment as well. Children take a book home from the library weekly as a reading for pleasure book. They may not be able to read this fluently but it a book they are interested in, this book is changed every Monday afternoon.
New spellings are given out on a Tuesday which the children are then tested on the following Tuesday. Please use the spelling menu in the front of their spelling book to give you a wide range of creative ways to practice these spellings at home.
Summer 1
Geography - Why do we love being by the seaside so much?
Science – Living things and their habitats
Art - Painting Life and works of Claude Monet - nature